Services and prices

General services
Therapeutic dentistry
Tooth restoration
Preparation of a tooth for a crown
Endodontic treatment
Removal of dental deposits
Surgical dentistry
Dental implantation
Orthopedic dentistry
Taking impressions
Removable dentures
Fixed dentures
Teeth whitening
Prosthetics on implants
General Services
Service name
Price (RUB) *
1.000 RUB.
Certificate of sanitation
1.500 RUB.
Consultation with a specialist doctor, Candidate of Medical Sciences (registration, oral examination, diagnosis, filling in the dental formula, developing a treatment plan, treatment recommendations)
3.500 rub.
EOD (electroodontodiagnostic test) in the area of one tooth
1.500 rub.
Therapeutic dentistry
Service name
Price (RUB) *
Treatment of caries using 6th generation materials, single surface (topical anesthesia, infiltration; preparation; medicinal treatment; application of filling; polishing)
10.000 rub.
Treatment of caries using 6th generation materials, double surface (topical anesthesia, infiltration; preparation; medicinal treatment; application of filling; polishing)
12.000 rub.
Treatment of caries using 6th generation materials, triple surface (topical anesthesia, infiltration; preparation; medicinal treatment; application of filling; polishing)
15.000 rub.
Treatment of caries using glass ionomer cement
5.000 rub.
Application of therapeutic liner for deep caries treatment
1.000 rub.
Tooth restoration
Service name
Price (RUB) *
Restoration of a tooth with up to half destruction (topical anesthesia, infiltration; preparation; medicinal treatment; tooth reconstruction; polishing)
15.000 rub.
Restoration of a tooth with over half destruction (topical anesthesia, infiltration; preparation; medicinal treatment; tooth reconstruction; polishing)
18.000 rub.
Restoration of a tooth with 3/4 destruction (topical anesthesia, infiltration; preparation; medicinal treatment; tooth reconstruction; polishing)
20.000 rub.
Preparation of a tooth for a crown
Service name
Price (RUB) *
Restoration of a tooth under a crown (up to half destroyed) with composite cement using a fiberglass pin (topical anesthesia, infiltration; cavity preparation; canal preparation for pin; pin fixation; tooth restoration; polishing)
17.000 rub.
Restoration of a tooth under a crown (half destroyed) with composite cement using a fiberglass pin (topical anesthesia, infiltration; cavity preparation; canal preparation for pin; pin fixation; tooth restoration; polishing)
18.000 rub.
Restoration of a tooth after endodontic treatment (up to half destroyed) with composite cement using a fiberglass pin (topical anesthesia, infiltration; preparation of the tooth's carious cavity; root canal preparation for pin; pin fixation; tooth restoration; polishing)
19.000 rub.
Installation of an additional fiberglass pin
4.000 rub.
Placement of temporary light-cured filling
1.000 rub.
Endodontic Treatment
Service name
Price (RUB) *
Endodontic treatment of a single-rooted tooth (topical and infiltration anesthesia, caries cavity preparation, manual root canal instrumentation, gutta-percha filling with sealer)
4.000 rub.
Endodontic treatment of a single-rooted tooth (anesthesia, caries cavity preparation, manual mechanical root canal debridement, Calasept) (first stage)
2.000 rub.
Endodontic treatment of a single-rooted tooth (anesthesia, temporary filling removal, manual mechanical root canal debridement, gutta-percha filling with sealer) (second stage)
2.000 rub.
Endodontic treatment of a two-rooted tooth (topical and infiltration anesthesia, caries cavity preparation, manual root canal instrumentation, gutta-percha filling with sealer)
8.000 rub.
Endodontic treatment of a two-rooted tooth (anesthesia, caries cavity preparation, manual mechanical root canal debridement, Calasept) (first stage)
4.000 rub.
Endodontic treatment of a two-rooted tooth (anesthesia, temporary filling removal, manual mechanical root canal debridement, gutta-percha filling with sealer) (second stage)
4.000 rub.
Endodontic treatment of a three-rooted tooth (topical and infiltration anesthesia, caries cavity preparation, manual root canal instrumentation, gutta-percha filling with sealer)
11.900 rub.
Endodontic treatment of a three-rooted tooth (anesthesia, caries cavity preparation, manual mechanical root canal debridement, Calasept) (first stage)
6.000 rub.
Endodontic treatment of a three-rooted tooth (topical and infiltration anesthesia, caries cavity preparation, manual mechanical root canal debridement, gutta-percha filling with sealer) (second stage)
6.000 rub.
Endodontic treatment of a single-rooted tooth (topical and infiltration anesthesia, caries cavity preparation, endomotor-assisted root canal instrumentation, BiFil filling)
9.000 rub.
Endodontic treatment of a single-rooted tooth (topical and infiltration anesthesia, caries cavity preparation, endomotor-assisted root canal instrumentation) (first stage)
4.500 rub.
Endodontic treatment of a single-rooted tooth (topical and infiltration anesthesia, caries cavity preparation, endomotor-assisted root canal instrumentation, BiFil filling) (second stage)
4.500 rub.
Endodontic treatment of a two-rooted tooth (topical and infiltration anesthesia, caries cavity preparation, endomotor-assisted root canal instrumentation, BiFil filling)
18.000 rub.
Endodontic treatment of a two-rooted tooth (topical and infiltration anesthesia, caries cavity preparation, endomotor-assisted root canal instrumentation) (first stage)
9.000 rub.
Endodontic treatment of a two-rooted tooth (topical and infiltration anesthesia, caries cavity preparation, endomotor-assisted root canal instrumentation, BiFil filling) (second stage)
9.000 rub.
Endodontic treatment of a three-rooted tooth (topical and infiltration anesthesia, caries cavity preparation, endomotor-assisted root canal instrumentation, BiFil filling)
27.000 rub.
Endodontic treatment of a three-rooted tooth (topical and infiltration anesthesia, caries cavity preparation, endomotor-assisted root canal instrumentation) (first stage)
13.500 rub.
Endodontic treatment of a three-rooted tooth (topical and infiltration anesthesia, caries cavity preparation, endomotor-assisted root canal instrumentation, BiFil filling) (second stage)
13.500 rub.
Application of rubber dam, OptraGate
600 rub.
Repacking a root canal
3.500 rub.
Temporary filling of a single-rooted tooth with paste
1.500 rub.
Temporary filling of a double-rooted tooth with paste
2.000 rub.
Temporary filling of a triple-rooted tooth with paste
2.500 rub.
Permanent filling of a root canal with Forfenan paste
2.100 rub.
Anchor pin extraction
3.500 rub.
Laser therapy (1 session)
600 rub.
Treatment of acute pulpitis (anesthesia, tooth cavity preparation, medication application, devitalizing paste placement, temporary filling installation)
4.000 rub.
Microabrasion in the area of 1 tooth
3.200 rub.
Removing a cast post
5.500 rub.
Removal of dental deposits
Service name
Price (RUB) *
Comprehensive cleaning of one jaw
5.000 rub.
Removal of dental deposits from all teeth (ultrasound, AirFlow, polishing paste, preventive gel), mild difficulty
10.000 rub.
12.000 rub.
Removal of dental deposits from all teeth (ultrasound, AirFlow, polishing paste, preventive gel), moderate difficulty
Removal of dental deposits from all teeth (ultrasound, AirFlow, polishing paste, preventive gel), severe difficulty
15.000 rub.
Comprehensive cleaning in the area of 1 tooth (ultrasound, AirFlow, polishing paste, preventive gel)
550 rub.
Removal of dental plaque using polishing paste in the area of 1 tooth
400 rub.
Medicated treatment, therapeutic dressing in the area of 1 tooth
600 rub.
Medicated treatment, therapeutic dressing, curettage of periodontal pocket
2.800 rub.
Injection of a homeopathic medicinal product
2.000 rub.
Splinting in the area of 4 teeth using Ribbond
12.000 rub.
Selective grinding of a tooth
500 rub.
Air-Flow dental deposit removal from both jaws, polishing paste, and preventative gel
8.000 rub.
Ultrasonic dental deposit removal from both jaws
10.000 rub.
Sensitivity-reducing gel application for all teeth (Clinpro)
1.650 rub.
Revident injection, 1 ml. (excluding medication cost)
10.000 rub.
Service name
Price (RUB) *
Deep fluoridation of all teeth (1 session)
5.000 rub.
Sealing fissures
5.400 rub.
Treating 1 tooth with Gluma desensitizer to reduce sensitivity
1.000 rub.
Repairing a dental prosthesis in the area of 1 tooth
2.000 rub.
Surgical Dentistry
Service name
Price (RUB) *
Simple tooth extraction
3.500 rub.
Moderately complex tooth extraction
4.500 rub.
Complex tooth extraction, category 1
6.500 rub.
Complex tooth extraction, category 2
10.000 rub.
Tooth extraction with bone graft placement
7.500 rub.
Removal of a dislocated and impacted tooth, category 1
11.000 rub.
Removal of a dislocated and impacted tooth, category 2
17.600 rub.
Surgical treatment of pericoronitis
4.000 rub.
4.500 rub.
Incision and drainage of a periodontal abscess
3.900 rub.
Removal of benign oral lesions
13.200 rub.
Root-end resection in the area of 1 tooth (without the cost of bone material)
11.000 rub.
Exostosis removal
3.300 rub.
Open sinus lift (without the cost of bone material)
50.000 rub.
Soft tissue grafting with connective tissue transplant
16.500 rub.
Flap surgery in the area of 1 tooth without the cost of Bio-Oss bone substitute material
6.600 rub.
Bone grafting with Bio-Oss material
13.000 rub.
Gum cauterization
1.100 rub.
Resorbable membrane grafting
19.000 rub.
Plastic surgery of tongue frenulum, lips, and mucosal folds
6.600 rub.
Oral vestibule plastic surgery (vestibuloplasty)
11.000 rub.
Crown lengthening procedure, category 1
3.300 rub.
Crown lengthening procedure, category 2
5.500 rub.
Open curettage of periodontal pockets in the area of two teeth (without bone grafting)
4.400 rub.
Hemisection (without the cost of bone material)
8.800 rub.
Bone block transplantation
от 90.000 rub.
550 rub.
Suture removal
550 rub.
Cystectomy in the area of 1 tooth
13.200 rub.
Baby tooth extraction
1.700 rub.
Extraction of an osseointegrated implant, level 1 complexity
6.600 rub.
Extraction of an osseointegrated implant, level 2 complexity
11.000 rub.
Extraction of an osseointegrated implant, level 3 complexity
17.600 rub.
Securing a single bone screw
5.500 rub.
Harvesting bone chips
22.000 rub.
Bone augmentation using the SAUSAGE technique
33.000 rub.
Recession coverage using Emdogain/Prefgel in the area of 1 tooth
11.000 rub.
Plastic closure of recession with palatal graft in the area of 1 tooth
17.600 rub.
Increasing the zone of attached gingiva
6.600 rub.
Dental Implantation
Service name
Price (RUB) *
Nobel Replace Tooth Implantation:
-Consultation with an implantologist,
-Examination of the oral cavity,
-Inspection of gum condition and oral hygiene,
-Investigation of bone volume and density in the implant installation area,
-Determination of future implant location,
-Installation of Nobel Replace implant,
-Positioning of the plug,
-Therapeutic dressing,
-Suture removal (after 2 weeks),
-Follow-up examination,
-Installation of gingival former,
-Consultation with an orthopedist.
90.000 rub.
Anthogyr Tooth Implantation:
-Consultation with an implantologist,
-Examination of the oral cavity,
-Inspection of gum condition and oral hygiene,
-Investigation of bone volume and density in the implant installation area,
-Determination of future implant location,
-Installation of Anthogyr implant,
-Positioning of the plug,
-Therapeutic dressing,
-Suture removal (after 2 weeks),
-Follow-up examination,
-Installation of gingival former,
-Consultation with an orthopedist.
60.000 rub.
Orthopedic Dentistry
Service name
Price (RUB) *
Removing a single stamped crown
1.500 rub.
Removing a single metal-ceramic crown
2.500 rub.
Fixing a single metal-ceramic crown
2.000 rub.
Creation of a temporary structure made of composite material in the area of one tooth, fixed after implantation (manufacturing, fixing, adjustment, repair)
12.000 rub.
Manufacturing of temporary crowns (laboratory method)
5.000 rub.
Removal of a metal-ceramic bridge (cost per unit)
2.000 rub.
Fixing a veneer and non-metal crown (cost per unit)
3.000 rub.
Taking impressions
Service name
Price (RUB) *
Taking alginate impressions (for one jaw)
3.000 rub.
Taking silicone impressions (for one jaw)
3.000 rub.
Mock-up construction
10.000 rub.
Manufacturing of 1 temporary crown from Structur material (in-clinic)
1.600 rub.
Removable Denture Prosthetics
Service name
Price (RUB) *
Fabrication of a temporary denture
30.000 rub.
Prosthetics using a partial or complete removable ACRY-FREE denture with imported teeth
90.000 rub.
Full removable nylon denture
100.000 rub.
Prosthetics using a clasp denture (MK)
100.000 rub.
Relining of a removable denture
8.000 rub.
Repair of a removable denture
10.000 rub.
Adjustment of a removable denture
600 rub.
500 rub.
Denture adjustment
Fabrication of an immediate denture (butterfly)
20.000 rub.
Fixed Denture Prosthetics
Service name
Price (RUB) *
Examination, consultation, development of a treatment plan for prosthetics, taking impressions
5.000 rub.
Prosthetics with the use of a temporary plastic crown made in the clinic (topical anesthesia, infiltration; preparation, impression taking, fixation)
5.000 rub.
Prosthetics with the use of a metal-ceramic ESTETIC crown + temporary crown (topical anesthesia, infiltration; preparation, impression taking, fixation)
25.000 rub.
Prosthetics with the use of a ceramic crown on zirconia oxide + temporary crown (topical anesthesia, infiltration; preparation, impression taking, fixation)
60.000 rub.
Prosthetics with the use of a metal-free ceramic IMAX crown + temporary crown (topical anesthesia, infiltration; preparation, impression taking, fixation)
60.000 rub.
Prosthetics with the use of a ceramic inlay (topical anesthesia, infiltration; preparation, impression taking, fixation)
40.000 rub.
Prosthetics with the use of a ceramic veneer (topical anesthesia, infiltration; preparation, impression taking, fixation)
60.000 rub.
Tooth restoration using a zirconia post core
20.000 rub.
Teeth Whitening
Service name
Price (RUB) *
Double White (clinical) teeth whitening, 3 sessions
25.000 rub.
Making custom trays for teeth whitening, for bruxism (one jaw)
15.000 rub.
Prosthetics on implants
Service name
Price (RUB) *
Examination, consultation, development of a treatment plan for prosthetics, taking impressions
5.000 rub.
Anthogyr system prosthetics:
using a zirconia crown + zirconium abutment screw retention (Examination, consultation, topical anesthesia, infiltration; impression taking, individual impression tray, temporary crown on implant, fitting of permanent crown, fixation)
60.000 rub.
Nobel system prosthetics:
using a zirconia crown, screw-retained abutment (topical anesthesia, infiltration; impression taking, individual impression tray, temporary crown on implant, fitting of permanent crown, fixation)
90.000 rub.
Installation of a plastic prosthesis on Anthogyr system implants on 4 implants
200.000 rub.
Installation of a plastic prosthesis on Anthogyr system implants on a bar, Bredent locks, rails
250.000 rub.
Installation of a plastic prosthesis on Anthogyr system implants on a bar with MK locks
250.000 rub.
Nobel system prosthetics:
using a zirconia crown + zirconium abutment cement retention (topical anesthesia, infiltration; impression taking, individual impression tray, temporary crown on implant, fitting of permanent crown, fixation)
100.000 rub.
Anthogyr system prosthetics:
using a metal-ceramic crown on an implant + screw-retained abutment (Examination, consultation, topical anesthesia, infiltration; impression taking, individual impression tray, temporary crown on implant, fitting of permanent crown, fixation)
60.000 rub.
You can familiarize yourself with the full price list at the reception desk or ask questions by calling +7 (499) 187-46-18.

* The clinic administration takes all measures to update the price list posted on the website in a timely manner, but to avoid possible misunderstandings, we recommend that you clarify the cost of services at the reception desk or in the contact center by calling +7 (499) 187-46-18.

The posted price list is not an offer. Medical services are provided under a contract.
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